Edgar & Emma

Austen, Jane, 2022
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ISBN 9788728196250
Verfasser Austen, Jane Wikipedia
Verlag SAGA Egmont
Jahr 2022
Umfang 5 S.
Altersbeschränkung keine
Annotation "I cannot imagine," said Sir Godfrey to his Lady, "why we continue in such deplorable Lodgings as these, in a paltry Market-town, while we have 3 good houses of our own situated in some of the finest parts of England, and perfectly ready to receive us!"Another classic short story from Austen's "juvenilia", written in her teenage years and originally shared with her family and friends. Quick-witted, fun and full of the satire she would later be famed for, it is the perfect insight into the mind of young AustenAuthor Robert Rodi enjoyed this story so much that he expanded the short piece into a full-length novel in the mature Austen style.-